Welcome to the Long Beach SWAT Officers Association.

The Long Beach SWAT Officers Association is a non-profit organization comprised of current and former members of the Long Beach Police Department SWAT Team and a select group of outside supporters known as the “Perimeter Team.”

Our Mission:

The Mission of the LBSOA is to support the work of the Long Beach SWAT team, continue its legacy and build positive, mutually beneficial relationships with community groups in Southern California, especially those dedicated to helping children.

LB Police SWAT Dinner Group 6.14.18.jpg

The LBSOA currently volunteers its time to organizations that dedicate their resources to helping children and the families of those with children in need.

The LBSOA has worked with:

  • Ronald McDonald House

  • Miller Children’s Hospital

  • Long Beach Police Officers Widows and Orphans Fund


We Need Your Help

The Long Beach SWAT Officer’s Association needs your help to continue its mission of making positive contacts with the community. Your help also ensures SWAT officers have access to the training and tools necessary to keep our community safe.